Sunday, July 23, 2017

Take on the Amazon Washington Post

Some of Trump's bully nicknames really damaged his opponents as they were perfect hits to their fragile egos. Low Energy Jeb! was devastating, Little Marco was just mean, Crooked Hillary gave people the meme they needed to convince themselves to vote for Trump. As for news organizations, The Clinton News Network is sort of clever, I sort of get the Failing New York Times dig, it's not clever but it does have something to it that stings even if, since your presidency, subscriptions are soaring.

What I don't get is the Amazon Washington Post -I know where it comes from- but it isn't clever or interesting or stinging or anything. It's just kind of...weird. Like trying to diss somebody's intelligence but by school has really nice trees. Amazon is a legitimate beast in the business world, something Trump should appreciate, so constantly tying it to the Post doesn't drag it down. Maybe try the Unfair Washington Post or the Dysfunctional Washington Post or something. Because this dig kind of sucks

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