Friday, June 2, 2017

Take on the Comey replacement

Trump has been looking to replace James Comey and the search isn't going that well

Most of the guys he's considered so far have dropped our most notably Joe Lieberman who seemed so far tangled into the Trump atmosphere with his ties to the law firm that represents Trump. But now he's interviewing a few lesser known guys. The problem is that reports are that Trump is only doing 20 minute interviews and most of the conversation with the individual candidates are about Trump. He's likely showing off his stupid colored in electoral maps and telling them about how crooked Hillary was

This isn't an interview of some secretary or guy to cut the White House lawn, this is the head of the FBI and our president can't hang out for 20 minutes and not turn the conversation about himself. Whoever he appoints will likely be a complete hack, a terrible crook or, most likely, both .

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