Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Take on the sign of the apocalypse

Sometimes something beautiful comes out of something tragic.   I caught a story yesterday on a local fire which left only a small
Impression but the accompanying photo is what got me (http://www.northjersey.com/story/news/passaic/hawthorne/2017/01/02/hawthorne-house-fire-displaces-least-two/96087902/)

In the photo, one firefighter is climbing out of a second story window while another one of New Jersey's bravest looks on below, nobody perished in the fire but still there seemed to be a Virgin Mary in a jar of peanut butter thing going on.  

Maybe it's the impending Trump presidency, maybe it's all that environmental damage  finally coming home to roost or maybe it's the sign that some tribe of nomads in a desert we're looking for 2000 years ago but only be found burned into the side of some crappy siding 

Between the baby Jesus in the top corner, the large wolf burned into the facade and topless Joe Biden staring over all of them, this could be the start of the apocalypse...either that or those weren't shiitakes 

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