Thursday, December 15, 2016

Take on Big Chris' book deal

Nobody is loathed in the state on New Jersey more than Chris Christie. The fat man shut down a bridge for political gain, spent the better part of his second term running for president and then helping TeflonDon win and now in some kind of backroom deal is working with NJ Lawmakers to give them raises in exchange for lifting a ban and letting him write a book while in office. This is the kind of leadership that Big Chris would have brought to the White House had he come anywhere close to it which luckily he hasn't because apparently Trump shut the doors so quickly you would have thought it was a Waffle House offering all you can eat pancakes when Christie walked up.
I know we're piling on but if this country wants to Drain the Swamp they should start with the biggest turd in a state famous for its Swamp.

Big Chris is as crooked as he is fat and I for one can't wait for them to roll this tub of lard out of office in a year

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