Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Take on Ryan Lochte and the other three swimmers

when the reports about Ryan Lochte and a couple of his swimming buddies getting robbed at gun-point in Rio started coming up two days ago, I sent an email to two friends.

from:  TOR
to Christopher J XXXXXCathy XX
I bet that Ryan Lochte was at at one of those fine Brazilian establishment frequented by our friend last night when he got "held up at gunpoint"

they dismissed it as TMZ fodder, but I knew better.   There is no way that a 30 year old Olympic champ who dyes his hair and has a reputation of partying was going to check out a Fine Art Exhibit on a Saturday Night at 3AM.   He may have been going to check out art, it just was more of the performance art type..

today it comes out that RIO police have held their passports and are continuing the questioning of them.    I know that he looked flat coming out of that 200M individual medley finishing in 5th, and now you know why

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