Sunday, August 21, 2016

Take on the one problem with the Olympics

Saying there is one thing that you can't stand about the Olympics is kind of odd between the green pool, corruption, ridiculous unneeded Olympic stadiums, shit filled rowing events, doping, cheating, frat boy behavior and lame family stories there are thousands of things to choose from. But this is what we do and why you pay us the big bucks to do it.
I can't stand that NBC doesn't tell you what event we are watching. Between the Olympic Rings below the peacock, the WR or OR in the other corner and the time in the bottom, why can't they find a place to tell you if the race we are watching is the finals, the semi finals or some heat, that doesn't seem that difficult. Maybe it is their way to make you listen to the broadcast but I find it so annoying that sometimes you look up and cannot tell what the heck you are watching and whether it is an important race or a random heat

You got four years to get this right

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