Saturday, May 21, 2016

Take on the euthanized horse

Pimlico had three tragedies happened today. Tons of frat boys lost their beer money betting the favorite on wet slop, one horse collapsed and died after winning an earlier race and another horse broke his canon bone and tossed his jockey coming around turn 4.a and was eiuthanised
The horse who won the race apparently had as massive heart saying attack but I guess that happenes when they pump tons of drugs into these inbred horses. The second death was tragic in another way because the horse just took a bad step and tripped throwing his jockey off him breaking the jockey's collarbone. They then drive up to the fallen horse, throw a blanket over him and shoot him which I guess is considered humane although I think it without only have been fair to do the same to the broken collarbone having jockey. They certainly find it would bring people back to the track

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