Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Take on the Trump County Fair

First we had low energy Jeb!, then came Crabby Chris, then we had Lying Ted and who can forget Little Marco (well it seems everybody forgot Little Marco last night). The way this election cycle is going, it looks like we'll have a Hillary vs Trump-off and it will get ugly because Trump will go after everything in Hillary's closet and we all know that closet is deep. What will be interesting is to see how many men he can convert because his numbers women are looking like ratings on one of those final seasons of The Apprentice.

But let's get to that Trump's infomercial/victory speech last night. We were told about Lying Ted, Little Marco and probably about Low Energy Jeb! and a great bunch of steaks for $50 and a bottle of wine and a magazine and a golf course. What was crazy is that as Trump kept going about one Trump product after another Hillary took the stage and nobody left QVT. Every news station kept on Donald, it was like he was pulling a Rand Paul and filibustering.

Cruz took Idaho even after Trump told them earlier in the week that they make the best potatoes. There is literally nothing else anybody knows about Idaho other than that.

Trump took Hawaii too but I believe there were a total of 20,000 votes cast. At some point some of these states should get shunned to CNBC or FoxSports or something because they are wasting valuable time for Trump to sell his wares

In the meantime I am still waiting for Rubio's third place finish speech where he makes it sound like he took first place, those are gold. I guess the problem is that he may not have had his fourth place finish speech ready. He has the entire establishment behind him and he falls flat on his face. He really is the perfect Jeb! protege, he does Jeb! better than Jeb!

And then there was Romney, he is like King Midas. He gets involved and immediately sinks Rubes. Hey Mittens, just go home.

So we have Trump at 14 wins and 7 second place finishes, he is like Jack Nicklaus of primaries and we all have to root hard for somebody to step and beat him in Ohio and Florida but I don't see an Arnie or Lee Trevino in the bunch. Although the truth is John Daly would probably come out and endorse him anyway.

But the lasting impression of the week was of another likely Trump supporter, one Hulk Hogan who had to admit that although the Hulkster was hung like horse, Terry Bollea was hung like..well Marco Rubio. How long before Gawker releases a video of Trump jumping David Duke's wife

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