Thursday, March 24, 2016

Take on the new bus terminal

After much wrangling, bitching, fighting and strong arming, we are finally getting a new bus terminal. The problem is that after a $12 billion dollar plan later (and after overruns we're probably looking at $15 billion) it is still going to be a big building in NYC which might look beautiful but will still be connected to the outside world by the Lincoln Tunnel which is far from beautiful and I would know because I spend 50 minutes per day staring at that abyss. This new terminal will mean that I'll still sit on route 3 in bumper to bumper traffic because unless they figure out a way to somehow get 1000 busses into that terminal per hour, we'll never get relief

So thanks..but no thanks. You should have stuck with the plan of having Port Authority set up in the meadowlands with high speed rail running every 3 minutes into midtown Manhattan

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