Sunday, February 21, 2016

Take on the wonder of Coffee

There are days when people ask me if I ever have a desire to give up coffee, and I can honestly say I do not. It's not just that I need coffee, which I do, but I genuinely love coffee. I love the flavor, I love the act of drinking coffee, I love the fact that it can give me a jolt when I need one and now I have more reason to love it. Today a report came out stating that the vast amount of damage I probably did to my liver in my teens, twenties and thirties might actually have been offset by the vast amount of coffee I consumed at the same time and continue to today. It was not uncommon for me to put down 15 Miller Lites on a Friday night when I was 28 but I can sleep well at night that I was probably having six to eight cups of coffee at the same time. Today I drink maybe 3 beers per month but continue to aggressively rehab my liver with 6-8 cups per day of java.
Can't wait until 6 am tomorrow morning when I can continue building my liver back up.

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