Sunday, January 3, 2016

Take on the Netflix Original Series problem

Netflix is putting out some of the best original content on television. It is smart, funny, well done and has won multiple Emmy's but still I have an issue with it. Part of the enjoyment for me is communal watching, seeing a shoe and then discussing it, dissecting it and exploring the options but with w show which you can binge watch in a couple of days, everybody is on different episodes. I am 6 episodes into Making a Murderer and the only thing I want to do is discuss it, but there is nobody I know who is also on episode 6. They have either finished the series, are a few behind me, a few episodes ahead or they have not watched any of it, so any discussion is vague and boring.

They need to start releasing these things one episode at a time and let us go back to enjoying TV like we used to

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