Monday, December 14, 2015

Take on the fountain of youth

Researchers are close to finding some kind of anti aging drug that could see humans live well over 100 and I for one am not thrilled. First of all, have you met old people?? They are very crabby. Secondly, how are we going to pay for all of these old people. Our social safety nets are set up for people to retire at 67 and live maybe another 10-15 years and they we're done paying but if people work till 67 and then live till they are 120 we will be out of money immediately, so unless you are willing to move the retirement age up to say 90, this sounds like a terrible drag on our economy.

And really, should we be putting a bunch of people in their 100's on the road behind the wheels of a 89 Buick LeSabre

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