Friday, December 25, 2015

Take on the Elf on the Shelf

Well we made it another year, nothing catastrophic happened although we did have a few close calls. See our house is an Elf on the Shelf house which is translation for we are masochists. There are a thousand rules to follow (for the kids and the parents) and they are all set up for you to fail. Touch the thing and your kid will throw an absolute hissy fit, forget to move it one night and you are setting yourself for tears, put it low enough for them to "accidentally" brush up against it and you would not be surprised if your neighbors call 911.
But we made it, there were a couple of close calls (waking up at 3am to move the little sucker), fishing it out of a pot of soup, distracting the kids while my wife repositioned it on a lamp but I am just glad to have all my next month temper tantrums be about something real.

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