Monday, October 26, 2015

Take on processed meats

I stopped eating pork twenty plus years ago and never looked back and for the first time in my life a decision I had not thought through, turned out to potentially save me some unwanted bowel cancer.
Of course the WHO study today doesn't link having a piece of bacon or sausage once in a while to automatic cancer but the research certainly shows that it increases your risk. The issue I have with this is that I am not sure what constitutes processed and non processed meats. I buy grass fed beef, organic chicken and wild caught fish and only buy organic and pesticide free vegetables at home but somehow it doesn't seem to be enough. But still a couple of options I do eat like all natural deli meats may be laced with cancer causing crap, so are hot dogs and then the study goes to say that unprocessed meats may also be carcinogenic

But the least surprising part of the headline is the "vegetarians smug" portion. That is the least surprising thing you are going to read today.

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