Friday, October 30, 2015

Take on the flight seatmate

Getting stuck on the runway sucks, having it happened when you are sitting in the back I worse but when you add a five hundred pound animal next to you, it is true hell. I had the pleasure of having my personal space invaded by something that lies like they'd consumed six pizzas in a single and smelled like it, too. I get that I shouldn't belittle others over their weight but I also shouldn't be forced to carry thirty pounds of your gut on my lap. If I wanted that extra thirty pounds there is a much better and delicious way to get it. Time to start shipping some passengers in the cargo hull

1 comment:

  1. Just so I understand this update, were you seating next to a large dog, or were you seated next to a fat human slob?

    If the former, sounds like a fun flight!

    If the latter, yes, I agree....time to think suicidal thoughts
