Sunday, October 11, 2015

Take on the Democratic debate

We have to equal opportunity but trying to find any interest in the upcoming Democratic debate is a futile attempt. First of all, there are five people expected on the stage (not including a last minute WWE entrance by SuperJoeBiden). We follow politics but we have not idea that there was a candidate other than Hillary and Bernie, let alone three of them. The most important thing you need to know is that along with Hillary and Bernie, the other three are also old and white. Jim Webb, who we actually kind of like is the most recognizable out of the final three, and still has to pay for breakfast at his local diner, Martin O'Malley who lost his middle school secretary election to some girl with corn stuck in her braces and Lincoln Chafee who comes from a state so small that his entire extended family outnumber it and even they don't know he is running.
So it will be the old hag vs the old rag and really nobody cares because as much as Bernie gets great crowds, let's be serious, this is still Hillary's show to lose and lose she will

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