Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Take on the blackout

You gotta love the fact that on the biggest stage, even multi-million dollar sports leagues and their media company partners can't avoid their laptops crashing. A couple of years ago it was the Super Bowl, now it is the World Series which got interrupted by technical difficulties which must have been harrowing for the 6 people actually watching. I didn't see a single minute of the game but do find it comical that baseball is now so dependent on replay that they had to stop the game when Fox's hamster got tired, because there would not be a feed in case there was a disputed call. Baseball has been played for 150 years without having some schmuck in a replay booth to tell you that a ball is foul or fair but now it became a national sensation and they had to halt a game that started when most kids on the East Coast should be in bed and ended when kids on the West Coast should have been snoozing
I get that if you can get a call right you should use everything in your power to get it right but maybe if it is that important you shouldn't depend on a broadcast partner for your feed or, you know, have a backup plan.

Maybe the next time they will come back late from a commercial for the new 24 and they'll have missed a crucial bang bang play. Oh the horror

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