Friday, September 18, 2015

Take on the waitress weight limit

A boxer must meet weight, why wouldn't a waitress have to do the same thing?? This week a New Jersey court ruled that the Borgata, the only thing in all of Atlantic City which should not just get swallowed up into the sea, can regulate how heavy, or light, its waitresses are. I get that his will get some people's donuts in a bunch but the Borgata is selling an experience and that experience is not meant to look like those two twins on those motor cycles.

So get off your asses and shake them ladies, I'd certainly expect the male bartenders to not be able to walk in looming like the Simpson's Comic Book Guy.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Korean Air Lines has imposed a weight limit, height range, and general looks grade to every one of its flight attendants for years. You can do that in countries that don't have gender discrimination laws. It's great.
