Monday, September 7, 2015

Take on Kim Davis

I am 100% for equality, I celebrated when the SCOTUS ruled on gay marriage and I presided over one as the minister of the people, so my opinion on the subject is airtight. With that said, when we read that the Kentucky clerk was jailed for refusing to issue licenses, even we thought it went too far. We believe that if she is unwilling to do her job, she should be fired for insubordination but I cannot think of a good reason to jail her. It doesn't set a message, it is actually counter productive as it only makes her a martyr for a ridiculous positron. She is a crazy religious bigot but taking a position which we don't agree with should not a criminal offense and having her rot in jail embraces the kind of ideology we are rallying against and she stands for and does nothing for a progressive movement.
Fire her for insubordination, dock her pay, put a bad review in her personnel file but let her walk out and crawl back into her miserable hole

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