Thursday, September 3, 2015

Take on the bored lady

Jeb Bush gave a boring low energy speech about health care proxies and Medicaid expansion in New Hampshire and, not surprisingly, some lady in the front row fell asleep.  I have to believe that the Bush campaign is serving black coffee and five hour energy to people before they have to sit in front of him drone one about his grand plans for entitlement reform because he has to be one of the most boring people to have ever lead (although briefly) a national campaign.  This dude makes Mitt Romney look like the pillar of fun and John Kerry the life of the party and those two dudes are as stiff as Bob Dole. 

One thing that we've learned is the stiff guy never wins the election.  


Even McCain was stiff but that is more a  literally description, that poor dude couldn't lift his arms up 

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