Monday, September 14, 2015

Take on the AMC Times Square

I always thought the order for not going to a movie theater in Times Square was, in order
1-loud patrons who talk and yell throughout the entire movie
2-the fact it costs a week salary to go
3-ex-Mayor little-nut's decision that you are not allowed to buy a large coke

But now I am convinced that there is a new reason which might get to #2 on the list. Nothing will beat out the top choice because you can't hear yourself think let alone enjoy the movie but now there is a bed-bug scare which makes the old seedy 42nd street movie seats seem sort of safe. Who the hell wants to pay $15 to go see two unfunny people like Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg try to remake a classic like Over the Top and now have a risk of not just wasting two hours of your life but getting the crabs all over your body??

Time to shut the entire Times Square thing down.

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