Monday, August 31, 2015

Take on Mt McKinley

Another day, Another great overstep of power by the imperial presidency. First he forces healthcare down our throats like they are steamed peas, then he threatens to confiscate our guns, basically invites Iran into the nuclear arms club, feeds ISIS, promotes police brutality and now has the audacity to rename an American landmark all while trashing the democratic process and trampling on the constitution. Who care that McKinley was best remembered for getting shot and giving this country Teddy Roosevelt, the gall that this no-birth certificate having, bleeding heart wearing, America hating, socialistic fascist, business crushing, chain smoking, wealth distributing, riot inciting, Black Panther sympathizing, Muslim overlord has is beyond belief. He takes from the rich, gives to the poor in the form of free cell phones and bailouts and this is just another example of a crooked politician caving into pressure from a bought constituency
I hope he rots in hell or Russia or wherever anti American people like him go to rot.


  1. Haven't the Irish suffered enough?

  2. I thought McKinley was a Scottish name, not an Irish name.

    Also, prior to reading this post, I had no idea Mt. McKinley had been name-changed to Mt. Denali. Then, I binged it, and I found out that Mt. Denali was actually the original indigenous name before some white guys changed it to Mt. McKinley a hundred years ago.

    I thought a Denali was just a car.

    You learn something new everyday.

  3. caverta said...
    You learn something new everyday. Awesome line yes when you around you learn lot just you have to keep open your ear and mind present. Enjoy the moment always.
