Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Take on Fantasy Football

There really is no lamer hobby than fantasy football, not dungeons and dragons, not halo, not Pokemon. I have played for years in a keeper league with buddies from highschool and college and we use to spend hours talking about it but today it hardly comes up in conversation. I'd hear random guys talk about DeShaun Foster and want to jump in to a conversation and now I'd rather poke myself in the urethra with pen. The thought of Michael Bennett or Ontario Smith would keep me up at night, now I don't even realize there is a Mewelde Moore.

So take your ultra competitive double blind, auction, points per reception, best ball big money league and shove it up your five home. As I have gotten older, the less cool the idea is. Now don't get me wrong, a big trade in my keeper league will still get my juice boiling but the thought of doing hours of prep like I did years ago in anticipation for the rookie draft makes me want to vomit. I try to read a couple of articles, check out a few YouTube highlights and look at some expert rankings but overall I can't think of many things I'd less want to do than try to figure out how Gurley is going to be used or whether Duke Johnson can beat out the bums ahead of him and if so, why it would matter.
I will be excited Friday night but probably won't let it preoccupy me leading up to it that day and certainly think that by the time my head hits the pillow I'll be thinking of something else

Long live the SHFFL


  1. Like you, I don't feel the need or desire to do any more research on football players prior to a fantasy draft.

    That is because I feel like I know more than the "experts" on Yahoo and ESPN, anyway.

    But when the draft actually comes, I do get a little pumped. If you don't get pumped, it might because there is something else in your life (like children, family, happiness, love, respect, and doing 10K runs in the mud) that is filling the void that the rest of us have and fill with drugs, booze, sex, karaoke, loose women, porn, travels to Third World countries, and fantasy football.

    You have to have something to make you get up in the morning. Otherwise, you might as well be dead.

    For you, that is probably living a healthy life. For the rest of us, that consists of self-destructive habits and backstabbing fantasy football leagues.

  2. Just finished the first of my 4 fantasy football drafts.

    Did okay, but not great. I'm not really enamored of any of my players, really, except Gronk at tight end. Kind of a disappointment. I must be rusty.
