Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Take on The Donald

Donald Trump has had quite a week. Since he has announced his plans to run for president he has managed to insult everybody, get fired from his job at NBC, sued Univision and now we find out that Macy*s has dropped his line of clothing

Our only question is...why would anybody buy a Donald Trump line of clothing?? If it is typical Trump it will look like King Tut on steroids which is probably not a good look for anybody and if it more in the style that he dresses than I have greatly overrated the fashion sense of this country. For being such a loud rich loudmouth, it is shocking how badly this man dresses which is hard to imagine since he usually wears dark suits. The problem is that he always looks like he is smuggling a sleeping bag over the Rio Grande with the way his shirt balloons out but worse than that is the fact he always looks like he's tied his tie about three inches too long. An adult man should have his tie reach the bottom of his belt buckle but Trump routinely has his dangling between his legs like it's a geriatric man's sack.
Time to suck in that belly and get a tie that fits otherwise your political career is going nowhere

1 comment:

  1. Full disclosure:

    I have one dress shirt from the Donald Trump line.
