Friday, July 3, 2015

Take on Americano

Nothing is more American than the headline I read today which stated that a man burned by fajitas while praying is allowed to sue Applebee's because, well, it was probably not a very good fajita.
I can't quite imagine what happened in this case but somehow I am sure Applebee's was not really to blame. Maybe some dude decided to kneel down in the aisle and some snot nosed college kid carrying five hundred dishes tripped over him, maybe some crazy dude was waving his hands like some lunatic and knocked over a passing plate of sizzling meat as some waiter in the weeds was trying to get the food to the table or maybe the guy had one of those totally lame moments which you see at those mega churches or college Korean Christian Association things where the pastor touches some guys head and all of a sudden they drop to the ground which you could see resulting in a fajita mishap. Either way I kind of find it hard to blame the crappy chain restaurant for this l.
But still, this is what we've come to, we live in a a country where there are only two things we can agree on
1) that everything should be able to result it a lawsuit and 2) that Applebee's makes a crapy fajita.

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