Sunday, June 7, 2015

Take on the escape note

Two murders escaped a maximum security prison last night using power tools, boring through walls and pipes making it over a six foot catwalk into the great wide openness which is upstate New York.
The miraculous escape made for a real life Shawshank Redemption ending but past the fact they were able to confuse the bumbling guards using stuffed pillows and a Rita Hayworth poster they added a bit of Vern Schillinger in there with a racist note of a smiling buck-toothed Asian man on the way out.
What is more impressive to me than the escape though is the penmanship on the note and the ridiculously straight lines and perfect circles. Whet the heck did they find time to draw with such precision and care, I couldn't draw that with a computer. The escape plan must have taken them months to complete, the letter another week.

1 comment:

  1. They probably used a ruler/straight edge for the lines and traced a cylindrical object for the circle. Not too hard. Probably very easy with the tools that were smuggled in for them and their normal prison possessions.
