Thursday, June 4, 2015

Take on Chris Christie

When Chris Christie decided to participate in the Boomer and Carton WFAN True Blue game? He probably thought he was doing something nice for the families of three slain police officers, and was hoping for a little positive publicity in return
Well we hope the event was a success and we know that Christie for some publicity, we just aren't so sure if it was positive. He did make contact and played some infield which wasn't Daniel Murphy awful and he did chat it up with a bunch of other politicians and celebrities but what really stuck out was his gut, or rather his gunt
Chris Christie somehow got shafted by Al Dukes and got handed Jerry Rello's uniform instead of his own because the one he was wearing made him look like a walking pear. No man should be able to have his head turned around and have the same physique on both sides. Christie walks around like he has an ass on the front and the back and I'm not sure his Tyrannosaurus Rex arms can reach to wipe either one.

His presidential hopes went up in smoke last night disappearing into the dark Bronx air because nobody wants a president who looks like he's constipated from the back AND the front

Now stick to trying to fix this state and the unions and the property taxes and the no shopping on Sunday thing and the traffic and the busses and the rest of the hell that I live through everyday...just keep your hands off the bridge

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