Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Take on the AOL takeover

When I read this morning that Verizon was buying AOL for $4.4billion dollars I almost fell out of my seat. If there was ever a buyout which will have less of an impact on actual people, it has to be this one because when they realize they forgot to have AOL throw in the time machine, Verizon won't feel it and the people it might actually affect will all be dead.

The $4.4 billion Verizon they paid is surpassed only by the $4.2 billion AOL paid to by Netscape a decade ago because for only $200million they also MapQuest, Movie Phone and a million CD-ROMs

I did read that there were still over 2 million people who actually pay for AOL which I guess is impressive/sad but it also means that Verizon paid $2000 per member which seems ludicrous even they own the Huffington Post and TechCrunch and they have some technology that allows companies to buy ad space.

Buying AOL is like trading for Peyton Manning before the 2015 fantasy football season or better yet trading for Archie. Even if this ad buying software is phenomenal, have them spin that off as it's own entity and sell it because having AOL in your portfolio only makes you look and sound like my grandmother, and she's dead.

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