Saturday, March 7, 2015

Take on the No Fun League

The NFL is filled with ridiculous rules about everything from how you can celebrate, where you bean hit a quarterback, how you are allowed to wear your jersey, how much you are allowed to be paid as a rookie etc but nothing seems more asinine than the period that started this afternoon. The NFL allows teams to contact free agents and negotiate but not formally offer a contract. In a league where there were two major trades disclosed but not formerly announced last week because they could not be made official for a week, this is beyond absurd. Why allow somebody to negotiate but not offer a contract?? What exactly are they negotiating? How many pounds of peeled shrimp the team will stock as a pregame snack?? What bb umber he can wear or how many cheerleaders they will provide him with each week??

Maybe they should concentrate on something worthwhile like decriminalizing marijuana usages

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