Tuesday, March 3, 2015

take on the new Hillary scandal

Twitter almost broke last night when it was revealed that Hillary Clinton used her private email account for all her official business as Secretary of State instead of the one that is supposed to end in .gov.

We're trying to think this through

- I wonder what Hillary's account ends in.. Being that she looks like a mother in law, I'm guessing it's @aol.com
- what is her official government account.. was it hillary.clinton@state.gov because I could see that this could get annoying when ordering something from Zulily and they reject it because of a false account
- maybe she set up her NYTimes.com account with her .gov email address and was so annoyed that they bombarded her with great deals to come back for 12 weeks of home delivery at only $0.99 per week..
- could it be that maybe she wasn't able to get attachments through the .gov filters.. Maybe Angela Merkel (another woman who looks like a MIL)  was sending her pictures of her grandson and they kept getting bounced back
-maybe Big Bill had access to that account with his top clearance and she needed to keep a few things on the down-low
and the most likely scenario... she wasn't able to log using her facebook ID..

(Hey David Letterman, you can use all of these tonight.. I just saved you half a day's worth of work)

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