Sunday, March 22, 2015

Take on the NCAA "don't bet on it"

I always felt the entire not paying college athletes anything while the NCAA is banking hundreds of millions was incredibly hypocritical but when they came out with their new "don't bet on it" campaign it was just ridiculously disingenuous. You don't allow them to benefit on a game they play and risk their lives in sports like football while you are raking in the cash but now they come out with some lame campaign when the only reason the NCAA mens's basketball is at all popular is because of the tournament and the office bracket. This is like colleges playing lip service to alcohol issues while taking millions from beer companies

1 comment:

  1. When you spelled "hypocritical", "ridiculously" and "disingenuous" correctly in a row and didn't make any grammatical or punctuation errors, I was going to accuse you of using a ghostwriter. Then you repeated a word and butchered a common idiom and I was like, "Whew! That's my boy!"
