Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Take on the de Blasio "leadership"

Mayor de Blasio finally came out and commented on the vicious beatdown at that McDonalds in Brooklyn last week and as usual he showed the kind of leadership of a fish. Not only did it take him a week to even comment because he had not seen the video which is all if 3 minutes long but when a story like this grips a city it is his responsibility to address it. When he finally did comment his words were as lame as his delay. He spoke about these kids needing to seek mental health help but glanced over the fact that this was a gang attack of one gang on another in his city. This newspaper would have liked to have seen him stand up and shout that gang violence is not going to be tolerated, not going to be accepted and not going to be justified with lame mental health anecdotes.
TOR has been on the forefront of an overhaul of mental health system especially as it relates to crime but there are times when the issue at hand can't be blamed solely on that. This is a gang issue and one that needs to be addressed as such.
Mayor, stand up and do what is right by this city and do what the people elected you to do by having some guts and showing real leadership.

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