Friday, March 27, 2015

Take on the airport

There are only two types of people at an airport. People who have
somewhere to go and people who should we set out to pasture. I walk
through every airport doing 100mph because I have somewhere to go, may
it is the gate, maybe it is the bathroom, maybe it is Starbucks but
the thought of dilly-dallying for the sake of being old or crippled or
bored or brain dead should never be an option. Airports suck and you
should spend no more time in them that you possibly have to because I
have already spent half a lifetime stuck in them like a bad Tom Hanks
movie and can tell you that when I leave this earth and enter the
gates of hell, I'm sure there will be an agent in a short sleeve blue
button down telling me to back up and wait my turn.

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