Sunday, February 22, 2015

Take on patriotism

Is there anything lamer than two national politicians having a pissing match about who loves their country more? We know that Rudy Guiliani loves exactly 911 things about the USA do there is no questioning his loyalty and we're pretty sure Obama loves at least ten things including ice cream, peanut butter and the general acceptance of socialism by the masses so that is good enough for me. Giuliani has been on a rampage recently calling Obama every name in the book and making sure he mentions that he knows a few black people so he isn't racist for calling him out. The NY Times immediately took up Obama's case and highlighted about 8 times when Obama mentioned something positive although even they had to acknowledge was that it usually came right before a gigantic "but..." Literally they found 8 sentences where he expressed genuine love of the country. This guy has been a national figure for a decade and he has less than 10 quotes that are even remotely positive
Ant then when you even look at those most of the time he ended his love fest with a "so although I love the USA we are really bad at doing this or that".
Anyway, they are all idiots and they all hate our country and they should all move to Kenya or Russia or Cuba and drop dead

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure one has to brag about a country unconditionally to show you love it.

    Like, when I talk about Brazil, I say, "Brazil is AWESOME...but the prices in the Termas have gone up recently." Or "Brazil is the greatest country on earth! But watch out for the women who might be men." Or "Brazil is amazing because the women are almost all into anal sex...but they make you wear a condom."

    Doesn't mean I love Brazil any less. Just telling it like it is.
