Friday, January 2, 2015

Take out the pullout fakeout

I get getting into your car, turning it on and then picking up your
phone and getting caught doing something before pulling out of a spot
but when you are doing it on a busy commercial street on a weekend
night is it too much to ask for a bit of courtesy??
If you are going to take 5 minutes to warm up your cars heated seats
before you drive, at least have the courtesy of waving at the guy in
the f*cking minivan that you are going to be a minute. But to make it
wore, when you put your car into reverse that is the universal sign
that you will be pulling out and when you don't, don't be shocked that
the sleep deprived 38 year old father of three in said minivan rams
his Odyssey up your Viagra popping, Lexus driving bald having ass

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