Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Take on Coffee

There aren't many people who drink six cups of coffee per day. The
list is probably something like ER doctors, truck drivers, college
students during exam time and Righetti. I am not sure how I ever got
so addicted to the black blood of my earth but I easily have 6 cups
per day and that's probably on a slow one. I have two cups when I
wake up, one when I get to work, one after about 10:30, one after
lunch to help digest, one for the afternoon pick-me-up, one before
heading out and then a double espresso before going to bed. I've
always thought that this behavior would probably kill me but inhabit
learned from some UberFacts feed that I am now 60% less likely to die
from prostate cancer which is good enough for me, even if 90% of the
crap they post is unverifiable.

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