Saturday, December 13, 2014

Take on the Korean Air peanut debacle

Saw a report over some Korean Air exec who resigned because she had
turned a plane around when her nuts were served in a bag as opposed to
on a plate. I get that there is something to be said for service but
having spent more time on planes than just about anybody, let me tell
you that the irritation of going back to the terminal for anything
when you hit the runway is 10000x worse than any indignity of having
to remove my nuts from my bag. I hate hate hate airplane holdups,
delays, reroutings so much that I'd literally prefer sitting on a
middle seat on a cross country flight than being delayed an hour with
a business class ticket. Nothing is more stressful that delays,
especially if you are always running late for a connection or
appointment. This middle aged Korean chick should have been fired for
that reason alone..well that and the face she probably has a terrible

1 comment:

  1. She wasn't just any KAL executive.

    Her family owns the airline. No such thing as truly getting fired when your family runs the business. You can get fired from the job, but not from being in the family.

    Hence, the incredibly spoiled attitude and incredible sense of entitlement.
