Monday, November 24, 2014

Take on the unseasonably hot weather

I will punch the first person who complaints about it being too cold
right in the groin because there is nothing worse than a 66 humid day
in mid-November. It is not that I dislike 66, it's that I'm not
prepared for it when it comes sandwiched between a bunch of days in
the 30's.

It's four tiered

- I like seasons, if I wanted 78 and sunny everyday I'd move to San
Diego with a couple of girl roommates when I get out of the Navy.
But I like the change of weather and there are a supposedly a few nice
months in the Northeast and November is supposed to be one of them.

- I have already taken out my thicker pants and my winter jacket so
when I walk out of my house on a daily like today, I'm sweating my
balls off and that just blows

- every building in NYC has already turned off their air conditioning,
so working today is like sitting in the NYSC sauna.. Well sort of
since there are no naked dudes propositioning me with their eyes.

- it's like Lucy offering the football to Charlie Brown, you just know
it's going to her pulled right from underneath your nose the second
you think you are comfortable. I like warm weather but when I am just
going to get smacked with the cold stuff in a day, it's just not
enough to enjoy it

Give me 45 and sunny for the rest of the month and I'll be fine

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