Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Take on the Connecticut lottery

It's been often said that lottery is a tax on the poor as they spend
an overwhelming portion of their income on something that has about as
much chance as coming true as Santa showing up and getting stuck in my
chimney But the more I think of it, maybe it's not just a tax on
the poor but a tax on the stupid because the sign I caught today at a
CT rest-stop had to lay out the odds of winning at scratch-off for a
bunch of middle school students. This sign admirably tried to
explain that a one in five chance didn't actually mean that you would
win something every fifth ticket but that overall those were the odds
but after reading the full page I thought to myself that the person
who needed this in the first place probably still didn't get it.

That anybody can be so stupid to think that this seems like a good
investment is ludicrous and makes me wonder if, on this Election Day,
we shouldn't be forcing people to take a basic IQ test before pulling
a lever.

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