Sunday, August 3, 2014

Take on the secret TOR army

Listen Vlad, we aren't afraid of you (well actually we are but we are
pretty sure you have no idea who we are).

When we read that Putin and his cronies where trying to expose the
inner working of the TOR empire, we felt vindicated, not only because
if meant we had arrived but more so that David had been able to rouse
Goliath from his Siberian slumber.
So here we stand, August 3rd, 2014 and the mighty Russian empire has
come looking for little old us and offering millions to break our
code. .. Well I'll make if easy on you, our office number is
201-947-7332 and I am ready to tumble..I'm mean rumble


  1. If the Ruskies start by looking for your copy editors/proofreaders then they'll never find you guys.

  2. I want to go to Russia for World Cup soccer in 2018.

    The Germans will still probably be the top ranked team, but I believe Messi will make the most of his last real shot to win the big one. He should have already won if only Higuain wasn't such a choker and could just stay onside.
