I've told this story before but don't think I have ever done it on
TOR. A few months ago I was walking through Duane Reade looking for a
cough drop or something when I walked right past a woman walking
towards the checkout line. I noticed she was carrying a in house
pregnancy test and as I walked past her, I said "good luck".
I didn't plan on saying it, didn't think about it consciously but it just slipped out of my mouth.
she mouthed "thank you" back at me and then it hit me that I wasn't sure what I was wishing for her.
Then I realized that it didn't really matter because this might be the only comment in the entire world
which is completely appropriate regardless of the situation and underlying hopes and desire of the recipient of the good luck comment.
If she just had a one-night stand, "good luck" could be taken to mean
something very different than if she has been trying with her husband
over the last few months. Either way my comment was perfect
So I guess my instinct of running in the opposite direction and mouthing, "NOT MINE!!!" might not be appropriate.