Thursday, July 17, 2014

Take on the Malaysian Jet crash over Ukrain

We may be looking at the beginning of WWIII if it is proven true that
Russia shot down a commercial jet over Ukraine today. Malaysian
airlines has had a rough 6 months but today's news has taken a bizarre
situation and made it even more so

I cannot imagine what it must be like for the families of the 295
people on board but I don't think this is going to end real well
because this could be seen as an incredible show of aggression -even
if it's mistakingly misplaced- by either the Russians, The Separatists
or the Ukrainians.

If this was meant towards the Ukraine, it will put the US in a tough
spot because as a NATO member, we have an obligation to defend
Ukraine, so this could be the start of WWIII

1 comment:

  1. Nah. Back in the '80s and even the early '90s, North Korea under Kim Il Sung, backed by the old Soviet Union, used to shoot down commercial jetliners from Korean Air Lines on multiple occasions (with many US citizens aboard and killed), and nothing ever happened in consequence other than threats.

    My original allergy doctor from West Covina, Dr. Wong, was killed on one of those Korean Air Lines downed jets back in the early to mid '80s. I got allergy shots for seven years from his medical practice partner, Dr. Ort, who took over for Dr. Wong. While my more severe eye itching eventually ceased, I still get hay fever every spring during pollen season. This is despite daily use of Claritin in springtime.

    I blame the Soviets.
