Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Take on The Yankee Way

All over town there are these billboards advertising the Jeter'e last
season. There are photos of the Captain hustling down the baseline,
hitting a ball the other way and waving to the fans which is sort of
nice as he has been a baseball icon in this city for nearly two
decades. What is odd is that next to the photos of Jeter they will
put photos of some random family in what I guess is their attempt to
entice a father or mother to make spending $300 on tickets and parking
for a family of four a tradition you can't miss out on. Nothing
captures Yankee tradition like some nerdy Asian dude and his snot
nosed son smiling over the West Side Highway but that isn't the worst
of it for the Bombers.
Long gone are the days when Yankee stadium was drawing 3 million
people and the stadium was sold out nightly, now the mighty Yanks are
advertising along the West Side highway along ads for Larry Flynt's
hustler club


  1. Is attendance down that much? Why? Tickets too expensive at the new stadium?

  2. This billboard tells me that only Asians have enough income to afford Yankee tickets now. Too bad all the Chinese are way too cheap to ever pay more than $1.37 for anything.

    You might as well ask a bunch of Hasidic Jews to donate money to anything non-Jewish for any reason. The answer will be the same: no fucking way, shiksa boy.
