Thursday, June 5, 2014

Take on the Subway coffee pod

I walked into Subway the other day and after I got my breakfast
sandwich they asked if I wanted a coffee and because I am a caffeine
addict, I said yes. I know it shouldn't really matter but when he
pulled out a Keurig pod and made me a coffee and then charged me $2, I
felt jipped, because I know these things cost $1 a pop which is weird
because I have no problem paying $2 for a brewed coffee which probably
costs $0.10.

1 comment:

  1. We got a Keurig coffee maker for the office a couple years back.

    No one liked it, and people complained about the taste.

    So we got a run of the mill Mr. Coffee coffee maker. That silenced the critics.

    Now, our K-cup machine sits in our conference room with many of the original K-cups still untouched and unused after 2 years of collecting dust.

    Great investment.
