Monday, May 26, 2014

Take on the UCSB murdere

I can't believe that we are back at the crossroads with another mass
murder...wait that is not true, I can totally believe it.
I don't know what the answer is but it has to start with mental health
because it is sickening how many times some loner can kick in our
sense of security and we stand there and do nothing. I watched the
press conference of another tearful father crying out for help and I
know it won't make a difference because as a country we have accepted
these massacres as a part of life we should accept. Gun lobby is too
strong, mental health care too weak and young men too prone for this.

Something should be done but we all know there won't be.


  1. This has nothing to do with gun control. His first 3 murder victims were all Chinese guys (his roommates), and he stabbed them all to death with a knife.

    This has to do with (1) women being bitches in general, and (2) Elliot Rodger really being totally gay and constantly at war within himself as a result.

  2. It is a mental health issue. We need to start putting people away in institutions.

  3. I know it is probably an unpopular opinion right now, but even after watching his creepy YouTube clips and reading his REALLY long manifesto, I really don't think the guy was mentally ill.

    Yeah, he hated women. He hated his stepmom. He hated the fraternity and sorority population at UCSB. He hated people around him who flaunted the good life. That's not being crazy. That's just a really, really, really bitter kid with limited social skills and a millennial's sense of entitlement.

    A lot of guys all around the country are like this. Go online and read the comments on Tim's blog, for example. Not just his blog, but the blog of any guy who complains about sex and money a lot.

    Look at the sense of entitlement, the refusal to do anything useful with one's life or opportunities, and the worship and celebration of this "game" bullshit when it comes to trying to pick up worthless women. It is epidemic. But these people aren't mentally ill. They are just losers.

  4. Stabbing your three roommates to death and then going on a Rambo streak on Sorority row because you haven't gotten any is the definition of mentally Ill. There are thousands of lonely dudes who are desperate to get laid and 99.9999% of them find a chubby chick, chick with BO or a call girl to fill their urges

  5. By that measure, every murderer is mentally ill. Doing heinous acts isn't the sign of mental illness. What makes a person mentally incompetent is whether he can tell right from wrong, fantasy from reality.

    It's my feeling that Elliot Rodger knew right from wrong and could certainly distinguish fantasy from reality. He simply chose to do wrong. Over and over. Not because he was crazy, but because he was an entitled, whiny piece of shit.
