Thursday, May 1, 2014

Take on Rob Ford's latest indiscretion

there really is no greater politician than Rob Ford.. not because of his policies, his resiliency, his defiance, his drug-use or anything else.. he's great because even in the face of overwhelming pressure, he just never gives up.   This week he was caught taking hits from a crack-pipe again.., like Jennifer Lopez's ass in spandex..the guy just can't quit.

It just doesn't matter how much bad press he gets, how many times he gets caught with his pants down, he just continues to defy reason and keeps banging his head against the wall.   at this point would anybody be surprised if he was caught banging hookers, snorting coke off of strippers asses, hitting up glory holes or sleeping on park benches but at this point it only adds to his legacy .  the fact that he can even do a half-way decent job as mayor is a miracle onto itself.. this guy is a walking, talking Chris Farley.. 

I'm calling the Over/Under before he drops dead at 2 years.. who wants to take that action?


  1. "at this point would anybody be surprised if he was caught banging hookers, snorting coke off of strippers asses"

    What's wrong with that?


    uh oh

  3. I guess you are going to win your Under bet.
