Friday, April 4, 2014

Take on expensive luggage

The one thing you notice when you spend a lot of time in airports is
how ridiculous people are with the money they spend on luggage. I
never quite understood spending a lot of money on something that a
dude making $9 per hour at JFK will inevitably treat like a rugby ball
or a camel in Egypt is going to shit on. I am not advocating toting
around a 50 pound 1950's hand held suitcase but getting Gucci when
looking at luggage has got to be up there with wearing a white shirt
for an Italian family style dinner

Now I am not saying to get some $5 job you get at Jacks World you are
jus talking about reliability get a Slippy, Slappy, Swimmy Swanson or
a Samsonite like the rest of us

1 comment:

  1. Wait.

    I thought Samsonite was expensive luggage.

    I used to buy fake knockoff stuff from Asian countries. Then, I bit the bullet and switched to Samsonitr a couple of years ago. Now, my life is better, and I don't deal with broken luggage every year.
