Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Take on the presidential attire

The entire world is talking about the Ukraine but both Sarah Palin and
TOR can't seem to get over the awful attired donned by our president
during his call to Putin over the weekend. I'm not going overboard
saying that the president disrespected the oval office by showing up
in jeans but I will go overboard to tell him that the denim shirt is a
bit much for any occasion.
Sarah Palin has already called him out for the mom-jeans which is a
pretty good description of them because if certainly does look like he
got those things out of Michelle's closet but I can't get past the
shirt which when paired with jeans makes you look like a 5th grade boy

So Obama, time to start manning up and dressing for success before
they topless Bolshevik comes driving up to the white-house and steals
away your wife.

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