Wednesday, March 12, 2014

take on the new Japanese Airline uniforms

Saw an article earlier today about the new Japanese Airline Stewardess dress-code which is downright sexy with miniskirts and heels, which is a sure-fire recipe for a boost in frequent flier mileage...   Now obviously the Japanese women aren't endowed the same way the Hooters Airline girls might be but they are dressed in a way that will keep the average Japanese businessman awake on his flight from Okinawa to Tokyo..  but you gotta think that in a country where they have women-only subway cars because of all the grab-ass that gets played, they'd be a bit cautious with this concept.. I can think of one Orange County resident who'd be dropping his pen in the walkway constantly if he'd ever have the pleasure to fly that airline. 


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  3. The irony is that a lot of the chicks in this pic are a little fugly. Singapore Air and even Korean Air have had this shtick down pat for 30 years.
