Sunday, March 9, 2014

Take on the guy who waits in line to meet a mascot

Is there anything more embarrassing than a grown man waiting in line
to get his picture take with a mascot. Last week as part of their
community outreach, the Mets had their love able Mr. Met perched at
the midtown Citibank and dork after dork stood there waiting to get a
shot with the big ball of mush. I get a bunch of kids wanting this
but a bald dude with glasses who looks like he hasn't been laid in a
year? You gotta be kidding me, no wonder you root for the Mets

1 comment:

  1. 1.) The Mets are going to be good this year. 90 wins.

    2.) You've got to stop with the "Take IN" typo. You've been doing it more and more lately. It's Take ON Righetti, not Take IN.
